It’s just one of those days

juicy nemesis



I must confess that I have a really terrible habit of drinking too much caffeine when bored. So sue me. Or send me to caffeineaholics anonymous. I don’t know, but at times like these I think I may have a problem…

I am writing this on my third can of Rockstar juiced, still disappointed that I’m not feeling any significant effect from it. Damn caffeine tolerance! I don’t even know what I want to achieve from drinking excessive amounts of energy drink, just every now and again I feel like doing it. On a normal day I prefer not to be vibrating and undergoing heart palpitations, but that’s generally because I have stuff to do. Today is not one of those days.

It all started out as motivation for finishing typing up my reflective essay, so it would get done faster (being the sensible person I am, I painstakingly wrote it all out in rough yesterday to ensure that all the key points were there, and it wouldn’t turn into the ramblings of an idiot who had consumed far too much caffeine to be healthy). That’s what students are meant to do right? However, I finished it, along with my can of energy drink, and was disappointed that I could still sit still in my seat.

However, this is a much better outcome than the time that I last did this. The time before, instead of studying/essay writing/doing whatever the hell I was supposed to be doing, I decided that I couldn’t get anything done before my room was spotless.
My room is rarely spotless.
So I ended up cleaning my room at super speed, then sat down and was unable to concentrate. I made food an hour or so later, and then commenced to fall into a caffeine-crash slumber later that afternoon.

I never thought that I’d end up doing caffeine recreationally, but that’s what those mega energy drink cans are for, right? Any normal person is satisfied with coffee as their pick me up. Let’s face it, who can stomach a whole 500ml of sugary awfulness first thing on a morning with breakfast? I swear these drinks make me feel like every part of my digestive tract is rotting or generally having bad things happening to it whenever I consume one of these things. It’s the sort of thing that your body knows that it cannot be good for you in any way, shape or form. However, it’s fun doing things that are bad for you from time to time, isn’t it? But those people that drink these on a daily basis… I don’t know how you’re still standing.

SO yeh, anyway. Excuse me whilst I celebrate my finishing of this essay with my search for hyperactivity and whilst listening to some music that I don’t even know what it is but yeh I think it’s kicked in  now wheeeeeee


#visionofhealth (do hashtags even work on these things?) <—relevant