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Today I feel like this post is just going to be a stream of consciousness. That’s probably due to the amount of caffeine I have consumed, because I’m having one of those days where I just want to drink as many cans of energy drink as possible and hope for the best. Well, I didn’t intend it to be like that, I’m sure that I had something more productive in mind, or maybe I was just bored and needed to clean my room. Because face it, it’s taken me a week to unpack my suitcase from coming back from the Christmas holidays, and I guess I just needed a caffeinated kick up the backside. Maybe I was going to get started on some revision as well? Exam season is not fun.

I am now pretty much fully recovered from the half marathon, but sliding/accidentally surfing down the (well, three) stairs yesterday has taken its toll on me, seeing as I now can’t lift anything heavy and above my head with my left arm (or use the rowing machine, which I found out yesterday to my dismay. Half of gym workout ruined), and my right leg hurts a bit. Well, it feels sore, like it did on Monday, but the left leg doesn’t so I feel very unbalanced. Not really a good thing.

They tried to get us to do this in Yoga the other day… in a class of mostly beginners, no one was able to do it.

Yoga is good even though it hurts to stretch too far.. maybe it will fix me again like it did on Monday? Any yoga injury advice? My shoulder necky bit also feels stiff (I did land very weirdly when I fell down the stairs, but it didn’t feel like a hospital jobby). I have now cursed at the purple fluffy slippers for doing such a thing to me (how rude).

It feels like a fair bit has happened this week, and it’s also felt really long, but now it’s the weekend, so it’s alright (finishing at 10am on Friday is a great feeling, I wish it happened every Friday. Studenty joys!). I have been sans internet for the best part of this week, which has been a bloody inconvenience. Of course I had lost my best procrastination tool, but I also needed it for more productive ventures as well. This includes checking how much money I have, seeing as the closest ATM is a bit far, and it being student loan week and rent week, it’s pretty vital that I know money’s gone in before it goes back out again. Besides all this joyfulness, I had to come up with more creative ways of procrastinating, with my computer lifeline gone. All I really came up with was watching TV, and then by day 3 I caved and actually did some work (I’m pretty lame at that sort of thing, I think napping was all I did instead). I could probably come up with 15 better things I could have been doing, just I haven’t had the energy to do them! Education is so draining 😦


If anyone wants to lose weight, they should totally try my diet. I’ve been back here and cooking for myself for nearly a week and it genuinely feels like I have lost most of the crap I put on over Christmas. (I weighed myself on the scales and I haven’t lost a thing, just my clothes fit me a lot better and I’m not bloated and I’m nearly back to normal). All you have to do is it meals with like, a billion vegetables in. You can eat as many vegetables as you like, I end up whacking in the whole fridge-worth full cos it’s only me eating them, and if I didn’t, they would go off. Then just add quorn and carbs. My portion size has gone a bit ridiculous (I swear I ate quorn bol for 2 the other night), but as long as you don’t put double cream or milk or anything like that in it, you’re cool. Most of it is vegetables anyway! I’m only really happy when my plate is piled high, so I really need to start using smaller plates. I should have asked for some for Christmas. And then, don’t be ridiculous with your chocolate/cake eating. I like having a bag of Skips with my lunch, because I have an addiction to them. Are they vegan? I really fancy becoming vegan for Lent. It will be a challenge, I think I need a new challenge for Winter/Spring ’14.

I should probably busy myself now with something that I actually need to do, instead of having fun on here. Why is it so difficult to get down to revision? Once you start it’s not too bad, but I find the initial attempt to get into the right mindset to do it tricky. Any tips would be appreciated!